uninstall methods for custom modules

Posted by Community Admin on 05-Aug-2018 11:06

uninstall methods for custom modules

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Posted by Community Admin on 10-Feb-2011 00:00


I believe it would be very usefull if there were uninstall methods in module declarations. They would be called when a module is removed from ApplicationModule section on advanced system settings. Whenever I make a big change in a custom module, I have to clear everything in the system manually (including backend pages and toolbox items) and it is really frustrating.

Just like


functions exists in the module definition, it would be very useful if the were


functions which can be filled by custom module creators to save time and increase module creation productivity.


Posted by Community Admin on 11-Feb-2011 00:00

I couldn't agree more on this one. At the very least there should be a huge warning as part of project manager/sdk samples that says "ONCE INSTALLED IT CAN NOT BE REMOVED, MAKE SURE YOUR MODULES ARE 100% COMPLETE AND BUG FREE BEFORE INSTALLING". I have a live site that has a "dead" module in it and since i tried to delete it the database is corrupted. I've had to tell the client they can't have the customization they wanted, it's just not possible, all because I installed before my module was complete and when I uninstalled it left crap somewhere in the database and I can't re-install (unless I want to call my products module "gadgets" but that's not gonna fly with client or me).

Please, add uninstall method as well as a clean up method for modules that are currently partially removed!


Posted by Community Admin on 14-Feb-2011 00:00

Hi Cihan and Phill,

Your request was added to the tasks for Q1 and will be treated with great priority.
Thanks for the valuable suggestion!

the Telerik team

Do you want to have your say when we set our development plans? Do you want to know when a feature you care about is added or when a bug fixed? Explore the Telerik Public Issue Tracking system and vote to affect the priority of the items

Posted by Community Admin on 11-Mar-2011 00:00


Can anyone tell me whether the module uninstall made it into the SP1 Release? I installed the product module, just to get it working and check it did what I wanted it to do, now I am trying to change the code which involves adding new fields, but the database table doesnt update with my new column. I'm able to change the design of the table and add my new column, but this makes me quite nervous! i.e. I have no idea whether it will have an impact on Sitefinity on the whole!


Posted by Community Admin on 11-Mar-2011 00:00

Hi Higgsy,

I'm currently working on a module too and am really close to giving up on both the module and sitefinity as a whole, it is so F***ing frustrating. I'm using SP1 and there is still no uninstall for modules. So every time I make a change to the module I have to restore my database and replace my website files, recompile, see if my changes worked and if not do the whole thing over again. It's truly a development nightmare. I am completely blown away this still isn't fixed and even via a support ticket Telerik was absolute NO help (even thought normally their support is bang on).

I have to assume that either not many people are using SF4 or those that are are not doing any custom development or modules, otherwise there'd be way more complaints.


Posted by Community Admin on 11-Mar-2011 00:00


I know mate, I'm losing money using this product as everything takes so long (should have stuck with 3.7!), so much doesnt work properly, and you have to re-compile everytime - just to change JS!

One thing you could try is changing the database table directly. Thats what I've been doing on my module as a workaround, but thankfully my site is still just local. I need to launch it in about 3 weeks, at which time of course I need the "Products" dropdown to dissapear from the Content Menu, but once I am satisfied my module is working as I want it to, Im going to change the namespace and module name (it is still called products), register my new module, and delete the products instance. Use Administration > Backend pages to delete the Products option from the Content Menu (if this doesnt work for you, clear all of your internet cache and then access Backend pages, there is a known bug here).

Let me know if thats any good.


Posted by Community Admin on 11-Mar-2011 00:00

Right now I'm having an issue where every time I build my module and then build my site the install runs again and the FrontEndTemplates get installed again. Not a huge issue but should not be happening. I've also never been able to get the module to use my own FrontEndTemplates from my embedded resources. I have to install, then manually go to the front end template and paste in my template code.

And when I posted to ask if the Products module was complete the first response I got from Telerik that yes, it was complete. That person obviously never actually used the products module or they're not looking at the same code that is released in the SDK.

Agreed, in SF3.7 I could have had this done in a day, instead of weeks and weeks....


Posted by Community Admin on 17-Mar-2011 00:00

Hello all,

This desired improvements will be discussed during the planning meeting for Q2.
We are working on this plans currently and will make sure this request recieves the needed attention.

Best wishes,
the Telerik team

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