User upload Image library
When you upload an image for a user you can only choose the library but not add new libraries. So you need to go back to image first and open the library there first.
You might want a library users, employees or so.
For consitency it should always be possible to add new cat, libraries and stuff
Hello Markus Berchtold,
Thank you for reporting this issue. We have the described functionality implemented in the upload dialogs for images, Videos, and Documents and other files in the module and we are planning to add it also in the widgets and in the screen where you upload image for a specific user.
This bug is logged in our system and hopefully will be fixed soon.
the Telerik team
Dear Antoaneta
For once I would not call it a bug. Since whatever is missing works perfect :-)
Just a way to make it more consistent. Once you have your first image uploaded the library is there. So this is simply a one time issue.
Kind Regards