LayoutCss Dropdowns instead of Textboxes
Ok I tried to find the post with the guy who also wanted something like this...but I can't find it
Ok, so right now I can specify wrapper classes for the layouts right?...ok problem is I know what those are (at least at dev time), but after that I'll forget and a content editor CERTAINLY wouldn't remember them.
Since you now have this nice new backend xml settings editor could you expose the ability for us to add in class names somewhere, then the layout properties would show a radcombo with the ability to enter a wrapper class OR pick from the dropdown (which pulls from the backend defined ones)?
Hello Steve,
Thank you very much for pointing out the need for this functionality. Indeed it would be useful to the users if we implement such a feature - I have logged this as a feature request in out system, and we'll consider it when planing the next releases, so that we can meet your demand.
All the best,
Boyan Barnev
the Telerik team