Content Block Templates
I don't know if this makes sense.
I would like to have content block templates.
Let's say you have an organistaion with people representing certain functions
- ASO (And So On :-)
You might want to display all the contact information in the same way
So you want to layout the Content Blocks in a certain way but want to have all of them look the same. It could easely be that you have 10-20 contacts you want to diplay like this on differnet pages.
So it would be nice to have the ability of content block templates.
Top suggestion! Second this...
Dear Richard
Thanks for your support. Now we need Telerik to open a PITS ticket. And have many vote for it to see it maybe in 4.3.
Adresses is just one example I would need it at the moment. I have in the same project another case with about 20 shared content blocks that should look the same.
Basically a table with on row and 5 cells. The content will be displayed single on pages but also as combinations on some pages, so the cell with must be set in order to have a proper display if they are combinde.
Of course I can set the width on every content block but if for some reason I have on cell that should suddenly be wider I have to change all of them again. Grrrrh.
Hello Richard and Markus,
The request was logged to PITs on this link.
Please use this link to vote for it and raise the priority.
All the best,
the Telerik team
Hi Kalina
You might want to adjust the title to 'templates' rather than 'teamplates'... :-)
The title in PITS is spelled as 'teamplates' rather than 'templates'...
Typo's been fixed, hope everyone's at peace now :) What I would recommend you as workaround is to use the Insert Code Snippet tool, which will allow you to implement some predefined templates in your content block. . Please take a look at this article from our RadEditor documentation describing its functionality. You will need to map the template for HtmlField from the configuration and set the tool from toolsfile or code file of your template. Please take a look at this forum thread where an example of mapping the template and modifying the toolsfile is given. If you need any further help implementing the desired functionality, please let us know, I'll be glad to assist you further!
Best wishes,
Boyan Barnev
the Telerik team
Dear Boyan
I don't think thats going to help.
a) that's a lot of work
b) if you find out on your last that you need to change the width for example of a table cell you would have to change them all manually.
So your workaround simply takes the cut and past away. But I rather go cut and past then all teh HTMLField mapping stuff.
Just my 2c