Redirect pages show in Navigation (only when ....
At the moment there is an option under Titles & Properties for Redirect Pages "Show in Navigation"
However if the page redirecting to is an internal page and has been set not to be shown in navigation then the redirect page is not shown even though the checkbox "show in navigatin is checked"
This is very confusing to clients.
Sometimes you have a navigation where you have multiple pages not to be shown in the main (or automatic) navigation but you might want to link to them anyhow.
So I think the right way to do this is
a) show the redirect page in navigation if show in navigation is checked
1) the page redirecting to is not published
2) the user does not have rights on the page redirecting to
3) the page redirecting to is not currently scheduled to be shown.
Hello Markus,
Thank you for your constructive feedback.
At the moment this is the default behavior of pages that redirect to other pages, which are not visible in navigation. However, I've logged your suggestion as a feature request, which will be considered for implementation from our developers team.
Kind regards,
Jen Peleva
the Telerik team
Dear Jen
Is there an PITS item for this were we can vote for?
Kind regards,
Hi Markus,
Here's the link to PITS.
All the best,
Jen Peleva
the Telerik team
Hey Markus, I ran into this issue today as well. Not sure if you have been using built in controls or if you built your own navigation, but I found you can fix this by checking the following when you are writing out your links.
if ((smn.IsPublished() && smn.ShowInNavigation) || (smn.ShowInNavigation && smn.NodeType == NodeType.InnerRedirect))
Thanks for the solution. I use the default SitefinitySiteMap.
Its 2017 and this is still an outstanding issue that we have constant need of resolving.
We have landing pages that need to redirect to eCommerce pages, the eCommerce pages do not show in Nav as they are handled another way. Yet we cannot get our landing page redirects to show in the SF Nav, due to the outstanding issue sited here and other places.
A major problem for our SEO.