Roadmap 5.2
Now that 5.1 has brought some big stuff like web.forms and MVC next to each other - how about a 5.2 release for the little guys :-)
Top features I wished for
- ImageWidget. Select Thumb, Select Big => Lightbox
- Image Libraires Permissions - Make them work like page - no need to revoke rights every time
- Newsletter send timer (so we can use them in shared hosting envirements)
- Newsletter make fileds mandatory, add fields
- Module Builder Date Time and only Date NO Time
PITS and Sugestion Forums are Full of great ideas.
- Sorting in Variuos places. Like Modules
- Dashboard - Yeah you read it before :-)
- Multilingual Images, Documents and stuff
- GroupPages redirecting down to first true page all the way down in hiarchy
- Image or Newsrotator Widget
- Vertical Navigation with flyout
- SMTP Testing in Advanced optoins
- Name Placeholders
- Search results with Description of page
- Tooltip NOT Description in navigation
- Include Spellcheck for all available languages
- SMTP Setup wizzard for new projects
- Filter Pages waiting for approval
- Captcha build into widgets
- Two images same Title -> Url warning
- Redirect to page not to be shown in navigation should work like extrenal pages
- Clean up PITS which quite a view bugs open for 5.x or not sceduled which might have been solved. If not it would be nice if they were.
I hope at least 1/2 of these are addressed as enhancements...there's nothing big or very time consuming...
Yeah, I'd like to see most of these
Hi Markus,
We are going to publish it today, or tomorrow at latest.
Kind regards,Did you push the release button then just now Georgi? :)
Thanks for the quick release. Most of the stuff will defenitely not be available on SBE and I guess most not evev on the SE. So my hopes are high for pits. Some requests have been around for long and to be quite honest I don't belive to many are really using pits as a wish tool for some stuff has many votes but was never seen on a roadmap. Looking forward to 5.2. Markus Go vote on Pits
High on my list is also a recycle bin for pages.
This post was made after the release of 5.1. Top features I was wishing for 5.2.
Now 5.3 is released and the roadmap for 5.4 out:
Well my whishlist still stands - but I don't have to much hope.
Performance optimization is nice but I can keep my sites warm many other way. RAM reduction is welcome - if there is any going to be.
Well we will see if Telerik is going to suprise me anyhow.
Maybe some developers are bored and can take some of the wishes from the first post into consideration.
"Performance optimization is nice"...I don't think you understand :)
Precompilation of templates is generating 300%+ improvement in load times throughout the backend. You can't have an external service hit your backend and keep it warm. This potentially removes the need for my "Primer" :)
It's a big deal this update.
Dear Steve
To me front-end performance is not issue because of warming up.
Backend is an issue on first doing anything - so its a one time problem per editing
RAM is a big issue - can't update many sites because 5.x uses 50-100 MB more RAM then 4.x -> VPS will go to it's knees
But you are correct, as you know me I do not understand to much so for example:
If a page loads in 30 seconds and you get a 300% improvement does that mean the page loads 60 seconds before you request it :-)
I still hoping that one day someone will be able to explain to me the 300% improvement :-)
I think we're still going to need it, would love to see the unscientific 300% improvement and the .JS optimizations but if I'm not mistaking the roadmap talks about pre-compilating of "backend screens" and "default sitefinity frontend widgets".
These are the static items, that normally don't change but don't include the 'aspx' pages that make up a site and probably, given the roadmap description, not include any altered templates.
So I'm fairly sure most peeps would do well to still check out your primer and not get our hopes up to much and just be dissapointed on 5.4 release while you already have the solution in place.
@Markus, let me try to answer your question with an example:
Peter is 10 years old and Joan is 20 years old. This means that Joan is 100% older than Peter (or 200% the age of Peter), yet Peter is 50% younger than Joan (or 50% the age of Joan). Right?
So, if for example a page now loads for 10 second and it used to load for 20 seconds, than both of these statements really say the same thing:
* It used to take a page 100% more time to load than it loads now (or 200% of the current load time)
* Page is loading for 50% of the time it used to load
The formula is x = (|(t0 - t1)| / t0) * 100 where t0 is the base value and t1 is changed value.
Hope this clears things up.
Anyhow, a concrete data is that, for example, on a cold instance it took 42 seconds to go to backend pages and now it takes 5 to 12 (depending on the hard drive).
the Telerik team
At Ivan
Well this I understand : Anyhow, a concrete data is that, for example, on a cold instance it took 42 seconds to go to backend pages and now it takes 5 to 12 (depending on the hard drive).
Thanks for the example wither Peter and Joan.
Looking forward to 5.4
PS: Since you were able to explain that to me, wanna take a shot at electricity. Volt, Amp :-)