5.5 Video Widget Request 2013/HTML5 like :-)

Posted by Community Admin on 05-Aug-2018 09:02

5.5 Video Widget Request 2013/HTML5 like :-)

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Posted by Community Admin on 13-Feb-2013 00:00

I tried to implement HTML5 Video on one of my new sites http://golf-winterberg.ch.mserver3.arvixevps.com/golfpark/videopr%C3%A4sentation 

Since I think HTML5 Video will be widly supported soon and silverlight is a not so comon plug-in with tendency to die.

After converting the files to ,mp4 .ogv .wmbm with Miro Video Converter I changed the settings to be able to upload the videos into video libraries.

I am not sure what happens if you upload video.mp4, video.ogv and video.wmbm to the library will they thet all the same url and therefore be overwritten.

However my real problem came when I implemented the code in the content block (after of course setting all the right mime on the server)

<video width="352x" height="264px" preload="metadata" id="videotrailer" controls="controls">
 <source src="/videos/default-source/golfplatz/golf_winterberg_mp4.mp4?sfvrsn=2" type="video/mp4; codecs=avc1.42E01E, mp4a.40.2">
 <source src="/videos/default-source/golfplatz/golf_winterberg_ewebm.webm?sfvrsn=2" type="video/webm; codecs=vp8, vorbis">
 <source src="/videos/default-source/golfplatz/golf_winterberg_ogv.ogv?sfvrsn=2" type="video/ogg; codecs=theora, vorbis">
 <span>Ihr Browser scheint das Video Format nicht zu untersützten. Aktuelle Versionen von Chrome, Firefox, Safari und Internet Explorer sollten keine Probleme haben.</span>

Chome played all 3 videos from the library. Safari 1. FF and IE had problems. 

It seems the delivery from the video library is creating problems - because when I changed to file 

<video width="352" height="264" controls="controls">
  <source src="/MyVideos/golf_winterberg_mp4.mp4" type="video/mp4">
  <source src="/MyVideos/golf_winterberg_ogv.ogv" type="video/ogg">
  <source src="/MyVideos/golf_winterberg_ewebm.webm" type="video/webm">
Ihr Browser scheint das Video Format nicht zu untersützten. Aktuelle Versionen von Chrome, Firefox, Safari und Internet Explorer sollten keine Probleme haben.

It started to work.


So here comes my request for a video widget that is 2013 like :-)

1) I want by default be able to upload .ogg .mp4. webm files without having to go to settings first

2) 5 videos with same name but different format must get different urls (if they don't yet) and I should see file format on the library

3) I should have add widget that lets me choose multiple video formats (see idea attached) When I click on add or select from library it will be filterd by extension

4) when I add the video widget it will have HTML5 -> Fallback to Flash if choosen -> Fallback to Silverlight if available.

Someone started already. www.sitefinity.com/.../playing_videos_in_sitefinity_with_html_5_instead_of_silverlight

Greetings Markus

PS: Warming up www.sitefinity.com/.../a-new-media-library

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