Right Arrow key and Single quote key keyCode value is same in firefox browser.
When i type in radtextbox(AspAjax). and i goto to back and forward in
radtextbox then back is ok but forward(right arrow key) is not work
because singlequote and rightarrow key value are same. and i have handle
single quote key.
i have used javascript function that is for do not allow single quote in textbox.
please help
Example :-
I have type : - Hello
I have back to E character He-llo
then i go to forward right arrow key then i am not go to right side.
my javascript function is :
<telerik:RadTextBox ID="txtName" runat="server" Width="180" MaxLength="25" OnKeyPress = "TextBox_NotAllowedSingleQuotes">
<telerik:RadCodeBlock ID="RadCodeBlock1" runat="server">
<script type="text/javascript">
function TextBox_NotAllowedSingleQuotes(sender, eventArgs)
if (eventArgs.get_keyCharacter() == '\'')
return true;
return false;
please help me.
Hi Heera,
Generally the OnKeyPress event should not fire for the arrow buttons. Using the code you provided I have created a sample web site and tested it under various browsers. I was not able to reproduce the problem described. Please test the attached sample and let us know of the result.
Angel Petrov