Sitefinity Database Help

Posted by on 20-Dec-2018 02:01

Hi All, I'm new to Sitefinity. We have v10.2.x running on IIS 8 and SQL Server Express. I need to move the project to another server. How to I manage the SQL database using SSMS like I normally do? I cannot see the database when I connect using my user account account with Windows authentication. I know where the mdf file resides in App_Data, and I see the connect string in App_Data\Sitefinity\Configuration\DataConfig.Config.

<add connectionString="Data Source=.\SQLExpress;Integrated Security=True;User Instance=True;AttachDBFilename=|DataDirectory|Sitefinity.mdf" name="Sitefinity" />

I know the database is there, because the site runs fine. I just cannot see the Sitefinity database in SSMS, what account should I use to connect and manage?


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Posted by craig.holdheide on 08-Jun-2019 19:35

Looks like this post is about six months old, but I will post an answer to it anyways.  Hope this helps.

To connect to a SQL Express database you will need SSMS installed and setup.  Also, the SQL Express database can NOT be located inside your local user profile, such as your documents or download folder.

First, open SSMS and in the Object Explorer, select the Connect drop-down, and then select Database Engine...

Second, in the Connect to Server dialog, select your local SQL Express instance on the Server name drop-down.  You are looking for the instance name "{YOURMACHINENAME}\SQLEXPRESS" where {YOURMACHINENAME} is the name of your pc.  If you don't see this an option in your drop-down list, then select <Browse for more...>.  Under the Local Servers tab, you should be able to locate your SQL Express database engine.  If you do not see it then you do not have SQL Express installed.  Once you found it, select it and click OK.

Third, once you are connected, then right-click on the "Databases" node and select Attach...  You should then be able to find your SQL Express database file (.mdf) and connect to it.

Also, if you're running this site on a different hosting environment, first make sure they support SQL Express.  Second, you may need to modify the connection string to get your Sitefinity instance to connect to it.

Hope this helps.


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