Migrating Custom Modules from Sitefintity 3.7 sp4 to Sitefintity 6.2
We are migrating the Sitefinity Project from Sitefinity 3.7 sp4 to Sitefinity 6.2.
In our Project, we have Default modules such as blogs, news etc and Custom modules in Sitefinity 3.7 sp4.The migration Option available for Default Modules in Sitefinity 6.2.We Successfully migrated the Default modules but there is no migration option for Custom Modules.
Is there any to migrate Custom modules from Sitefinity 3.7 sp4 to sitefinity 6.2?
Hi Krishnamorrthy,
Basically, the migration module does not support migrating custom controls/modules that were used in 3.7 to 4.x / 5.x/ 6.x as the differences in the architecture and structure ( and logic ) between the 3.x versions and the 4.x / 5.x/ 6.x is huge and can hardly be covered by the migration service. Therefore all controls that you have created in 3.x ( that do not come out of the box in Sitefinity 4.x / 5.x/ 6.x ) need to be rewritten using our 4/5/6.x API. You cal also use Sitefinity thunder add - on for creating widgets and modules easily.
We also have a KB article on how to migrate custom widgets to 4.x / 5.x/ 6.x:
The best option in your case would be, knowing the 3.x implementation and the final result of each control to redesign and recreate the controls in a way that you can achieve the same result in Sitefinity 4.x/ 5.x/ 6.x In order to replicate the behavior of controls for the new Sitefinity website, I would suggest to review the following resources:
1. Developer documentation.
2. How to ( custom code samples )
3. Our SDK
4. Our Blogs, which contain posts with custom implementations.
5. API reference.
We have API reference, which can help you through the development process - if you want to get the latest release of the API reference document, you can check the following article, which contains a direct link for downloading the files:
Stefani Tacheva
Hi Team,
We have implemented implemented the Custom Module using the below reference link. Please check "Screenshot 1" which displays after the implementation.
Ref: www.sitefinity.com/.../creating-products-module
Along with the above, we want the Command Panel & Control Panel to be created as per the mentioned in "Screenshot 2" in the Custom Module . Our requirement is to have set of Command Panel Views. On Clicking each Command Panel view, the respective control panel(user control) is displayed. Please refer "Screenshot 2"
For Eg: In the Screenshot 3 is the Equity Custom Module displayed with Command Panel Views as highlighted in the left section. On clicking the view "Equity Group Mapping View" in the left sections, the List Equity Groups User Control should display. Please refer "Screenshot 3"
Could you provide us the steps or samples to create the Command Panel & Control Panel in the Custom Module.
In Sitefinity 6.x you could create custom modules directly in the backend using Module Builder:
You create a dynamic module when the built-in Sitefinity modules do not suit your needs. A module must have at least one content type. You create this type when you create the module. A module with one type can be, for example, an FAQ module, whose content type can be FAQs and FAQs can have two fields – Question and Answer. You can also have more than one content type in one module and you can have a hierarchy of the content types. For example, the Forums module has Forums and Threads content types, and Thread is a child of a Forum.
Stefani Tacheva
Hi,for me it is not clear how to migrate a widget with this structure from 3.7 to 6.3.
On version 3.7 this code work correct
public partial class CtrlWithNestedWidget : System.Web.UI.UserControl
public string Heading get; set;
public string SubHeading get; set;
public NestedCtrl NestedWidget
return this.NestedCtrl;
Please refer to the following article where you will find useful information:
Stefani Tacheva