Recreate Custom Modules in SiteFinity 6.2 from SiteFinity 3.7 sp4
We are in the middle of a migration (Sitefinity 3.7 to 6.2),facing difficulties in recreating the Custom Modules in Sitefinity 6.2.
We tried two approaches(Webmodule & Sitefinity Thunder) to create Custom Module in Sitefinity 6.2 but encountered few issues.I have mentioned the approaches followed to recreate the custom modules in the word document.
Please use the below mentioned link to download the word document,
Please confirm if the approach we have followed is appropriate or is there any other method to achieve the same (Create custom module with Command & Control Panel in Sitefinity 6.2).
Hi Krishnamorrthy,
Custom module with Sitefinity Thunder is the right way to go, however, you will need to create your backend views that are working now with definitions. Please refer to our documentation for more details about custom modules: You can also download our SDK and check the code for the sample custom modules - Locations and Jobs.
Kristian Smilenov
Can you help me in this post I'm so sorry for posting here because I don't find any way to assign my post to Telerik Admin in this forum.