How to Migrate the Content from Sitefinity 5 to Sitefinity 8?
My company is currently using Sitefinity 5 which is hosted with a hosting company. My CEO wants to upgrade to Sitefinity 8 and relocate to a more cost effective hosting company. We'll install Sitefinity 8 on the new servers located at the new data center. After which, we'll need to migrate all the content (posts, articles, tags, templates, extensions etc) to Sitefinity 8. During this time, the site using Sitefinity 5 is still up and running as per normal. Once the migration of content is completed, we'll shutdown the Sitefinity 5 servers and all users will start accessing Sitefinity 8 servers.
How do I migrate the content? We are not able to move the Sitefinity 5 VM image over to the new hosting company and perform an upgrade to Sitefinity 8.
The migration of the data as described in the scenario requires custom implementation in order to create services, get the data from the 5.x project and create the items on the new 8.x project using the API (E.g. News API)
The recommended approach is to get the 5.x project locally (the project files and the database), restore it and than upgrade it following that article:
Once the process is completed and the site works fine, you can deploy it to the new Live server.
I hope the information helps.
Svetoslav Manchev