Upgrading my site from Sitefinity 4.1 to 8.2(The latest version)
I have upgraded my project by following the instructions given in the following link.
as mention in the link I have downloaded the sitefinity latest project manager(8.2 Trial version) and follow the up-gradation procedure and then it stuck on the following message.
Timestamp: 2/16/2016 7:25:26 AM
Message: PASSED : OpenAccessPageProvider : Upgrad AllowParameterValidation
And I waited the entire day in hopes that it may proceed but it didn't !
I have also attached the UpgradeTrace.txt file image.
I would suggest running an SQL profiler during the next attempt to upgrade just to see whether there are SQL queries being made when the screen is stuck on that message. While there are SQL queries being executed it would mean that the upgrade is still running.
If there have not been any queries executed in the past 5-10 minutes it would most likely mean that an error has occurred. Try refreshing the page in that case and see if the upgrade continues.
One free SQL profiler that can be used can be found here: https://expressprofiler.codeplex.com/
Velizar Bishurov
Hi Velizar Bishurov,
thanks for your reply it helps me in a way that, now its letting me know that some work is still in progress.
In the process of upgrading my project I am stuck on the following point I have tried a lot of solutions to similar problems but still did't get rid of my problem!
I am unable to access following links and it gives me the error as shown in attached file.
Although I am able to access all the libraries by their default page links as follows
I have tried following links to solve my problem
The thing I am unable to implement is as mention in the last link ,
1) deactivate the module (In my case I have deactivate the Libraries module )
2)Uninstall the module (In my case I have Uninstall the Libraries module but after page refresh it again gives me options of Uninstall /activate instead of install)
Please try the solution in the following KB article: http://www.sitefinity.com/developer-network/knowledge-base/details/object-reference-not-set-to-an-instance-of-an-object-error-when-accessing-libraries-after-upgrade
If that doesn't help please open a support ticket so we can provide you with a way to get a copy of your project to us and investigate further.
Velizar Bishurov
Unfortunately It did't work in my case :( now I will open a support ticket for that.
I have provided a FTP in the ticket you opened where you can upload a copy of the project.
This issue was resolved through support ticket!!!
And I am sharing the solution,
We have to upgrade our project again and before upgrading the project we have to remove all "config:lazy" entries from our LibrariesConfig.config file, Which was actually causing some problem during the upgrade process.
Note : Full upgrade procedure with a well explain article can be seen here