Taxes not showing
Am adding taxes and they aren't registering on the taxes page, but I think they are showing in the dropdown when adding a product and selecting tax to apply?
Hi Richard Cross,
Unfortunately, I did not manage to reproduce this behavior on my side (see attached video). Do you experience the same issue on all browsers? Could you please send us the steps you follow or screenshots?
the Telerik team
Hi Sonya
I've gone back to the page this morning and they are now there in a list.
I had three copies of the same tax, as I kept going when I didn't see them appear.
I then deleted two of them, but again they persisted and stayed on the page.
When I try to delete them a second time, they say that they have already been deleted.
I am using IE9 if that helps.
I will try and do video...
Hi Richard Cross,
Ist seems to be a refresh issue valid only for IE. The issue has been logged in our system and forwarded for fixing. You can monitor the status of the bugs in our issue tracking system PITS. The issue ID is 6861.
I updated your Telerik points.