Filtering Products List via a custom field.
Does anybody know if it's possible to filter a products list through a custom field(added via the product type)? If not another option for us is to access the resource file and change the text of the built in product field "Department"(I believe our version of sitefinity came with the source code).
If anybody has insight with either of these two approaches I would greatly appreciate your feedback.
Hi Anthony,
If you don't need the additional classification, but intend on using just one for your products, then changing the values from resources is the easiest solution. Just go to Sitefinity backend -> Administration->Interface labels&Messages and look for the resource keys related to Department (use the searchbox we've provided in that screen to get all applicable keys, and plurals as well). You will then be able to specify custom values for these keys. Once you're done please restart your application so the new resource entries can be read from the configuration. If any issues occur, just let us know, we'll be glad to help.
Boyan Barnev
the Telerik team