Get the number of items in the cart via javascript

Posted by Community Admin on 05-Aug-2018 13:36

Get the number of items in the cart via javascript

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Posted by Community Admin on 14-Dec-2012 00:00


We are creating a mobile website and in the navigation there is a cart item which is suppose to have an indicator of how many items are in the cart. Because this is part of the navigation and not a "cart summary" widget or anything like that I am wondering if there is a way I can get the number of items in the cart via javascript somehow and assign it to a element in the nav. 

Any other ideas if that's not possible?

The main problem is that the Add to cart does a ajax request so I also need to increase the number when that happens.


Posted by Community Admin on 19-Dec-2012 00:00

Hello Seth,

Make an Ajax call to ~/Sitefinity/Public/Services/Ecommerce/Order/CartOrder.svc
It will return a CartOrder and you can get the count from that.

Kind regards,
Randy Hodge
the Telerik team
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Posted by Community Admin on 19-Dec-2012 00:00


Thanks for that.

Do i need to have a orderid or guid or something? If so where do I get this from for the requesting user?... or will that return it for the current user automatically?

Do i need to authenticate, if so how?

Any samples will be appreciated.

Thanks for your help,

Posted by Community Admin on 21-Dec-2012 00:00


This site is live now, I really need an answer to this so I can get this feature working:


Posted by Community Admin on 23-Dec-2012 00:00

Hello Seth,

You would need ShoppingCartId to make a request to the service. ShoppingCartId is generally stored in a cookie on the browser, reading it via Javascript should be trivial (You can follow a stack overflow post to do so here You do not need to authenticate to get access to this service. Any services under ~/Sitefinity/Public are supposed to be public services and don't need authentication.


Venkata Koppaka

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