Why I cannot put a Vietnamese name in unicode for label of P

Posted by Community Admin on 05-Aug-2018 12:25

Why I cannot put a Vietnamese name in unicode for label of Product fields

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Posted by Community Admin on 30-Sep-2014 00:00

Hi guys,

I cannot put a Vietnamese name in unicode for label of Product fields, in backend, when I add a field I cannot choose DBType to NVARCHAR, just VARCHAR so I cannot store label name of this field in Vietnamese, in front end site, it is display incorrectly. Exp: you can try with this words "Tiếng Việt".

Please, fix error.

Posted by Community Admin on 03-Oct-2014 00:00

Hi Thanh,

I tested the scenario you describe and the string in question was persisted as a VarChar. If you require specific NVarChar entries, you can change the database type of your field via code. The following is an example:

var metaManager = MetadataManager.GetManager();
var theField =  metaManager.GetMetafields().Where(f => f.Title == "YourProductTypeField").FirstOrDefault();
theField.DBType = "NVARCHAR";

The code uses the MetadataManager to get the MetaField for your product type and alters its DBType property, thus altering the type of the database persisted value.

Ivan D. Dimitrov
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Posted by Community Admin on 05-Oct-2014 00:00

Thanks, it's helpful.

Posted by Community Admin on 06-Oct-2014 00:00

Hi Ivan,

Can we have a way to solve it without coding, because I just want to add its from backend module, I cannot code for every single field, the simplest way is change  DBTYPE of [sf_meta_fields.title_] to NVARCHAR, can I do it at the application starts?

Posted by Community Admin on 08-Oct-2014 00:00

Hello Thanh,

If you do not want to use any code, there is a setting available for this functionality. Go to Administration->Settings->Advanced->Metadata->Database Mappings. Locate the control which you want to map in a different manner and change its DataType and SQL specific type accordingly. You will need to restart the application in order for the changes to apply.

Ivan D. Dimitrov

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