Numbers of connections opens/timewait at CMS

Posted by Community Admin on 05-Aug-2018 19:51

Numbers of connections opens/timewait at CMS

All Replies

Posted by Community Admin on 15-Feb-2011 00:00


I am monitoring the CMS server and I was surprised when I opened the package TCPView tool from Microsoft System Internals.

As picture attached you can see that it opens many connections in TIME_WAIT, this is normal in cms? could someone please explain this more clearly and why he does it?

sorry i dont see forum especific for post.

No more so I have to thank.

Looking forward to a return,
Thiago Triunfo
XP Investimentos

Posted by Community Admin on 16-Feb-2011 00:00

Hello Thiago,

Could you provide information about your server:
--Server Version
--DB(is it on the same server)
--How many clients accessing the server at the moment you done the snapshot

Seems all connections are coming from one machine

Kind regards,
the Telerik team

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