Broken links in Admin pages after deployment from Dev to Pro

Posted by Community Admin on 05-Aug-2018 02:27

Broken links in Admin pages after deployment from Dev to Prod

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Posted by Community Admin on 06-Jun-2012 00:00

I have recently deployed a SF5 site to our client's server. When I try to edit the Content Types of a Module I created when the site was on our server, I see that the URLs point to our old domain. Here's some info to explain:

 - The project name is
 - The old URL was
 - The new URL is
 - When I view my custom Module, the "Content types" link (In the right-hand-side Manage panel) has the URL

My question is - Do I need to update the project name and/or anything else when I deploy to a new server/domain? I have already obviously changed the database connection but I'm wondering if the project name has to match the domain or if there is any caching of domain name in the database that I need to update.


Posted by Community Admin on 06-Jun-2012 00:00

I found a solution to this problem.

There are links within the config file for Custom Modules that need to be updated (DynamicModulesConfig.config). I had to update these links, save the file and then restart the website.

It was also helpful to update the project name in the file ProjectConfig.config to the new domain name to avoid confusion.

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