Database Deployment with Ms sql Data tools , sqlproj and ms

Posted by Community Admin on 05-Aug-2018 00:13

Database Deployment with Ms sql Data tools , sqlproj and msbuild (deploy sitefinity database without affecting user generated content)

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Posted by Community Admin on 02-Dec-2015 00:00



i have been searching on forum and couldnt find anything related. 

We have Sitefinity 8.2 Professional Edition (we cannot upgrade to Enterprise :( ) and TeamCity as CI. Everything is working nicely and we are able to sync Database objects between environments but even though We have config files and database objects and compiled project are synced , some of the functionality is not showing up in  Sitefinity backend

For example when i create a test dynamic module , i see database tables are being created. And our CI is creating these tables in environments.  But these modules are not showing on Sitefinity admin panel. I am guessing some data records needs to be carried over with CI process. Do you have any documentation about what tables are used for Content(user generated content) and what tables are used for backend and administrative tasks.?

We need to find a way to deploy sitefinity without affecting user generated content


Thank you



Posted by Community Admin on 12-Dec-2015 00:00

Hi Richard,

As far as I understand from the provided information you have created a dynamic module under Administration -> Module Builder. However, when you go to Content tab in the Sitefinity backend you are not able to see the dynamic module you have just created. Can you please verify this?

If so, can you please make sure that the dynamic module is marked as Active under Administration -> Module Builder. Please check this article for more details:

If the module is active, another possible reason why you do not see it in the backend under the Content tab might be if you are in multisite. If yes, can you please click on the site selector in the Sitefinity backend and select Manage sites. Then click on the Actions link of your site and select Configure Modules. Then make sure that your module is enabled for this site by checking its checkbox. Please also see this article which you may find useful:

If the above information does not help, can you please provide more details about the exact issue and how it is reproduced. You may also attach a video or screenshots demonstrating the problem. This will help us to get better idea of the problem and further assist you on this.

Does the issue appear on the environment you have created the module or it occurs on the environment where you have tried to move the module to?

Sabrie Nedzhip

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