Deploy website into production-

Posted by Community Admin on 05-Aug-2018 05:35

Deploy website into production-

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Posted by Community Admin on 10-Dec-2015 00:00


I am having big confusion and problem about deployment process.

Present the website is already live and update the content day by day.

Now my question is , i want to developed a custom widget and deploy into production.Do i need to copy my complete website files and database from the production and restore into development server and do the changes and after finish the development then redeploy complete website files and database into production. If in this case my development database will be different than the production database because there will be new content added.
before deploying new enhancements to the production how can i ensure that the content is also up to date.

Is their any way that i can just copy the my custom widgets files(ascx and designer files) and move into production .What are the steps to we need to proceed.

Get it out from this confusion and Clarify us in details with steps .

Thank you & Regards




Posted by Community Admin on 18-Feb-2016 00:00

I am not expert, but i think that if you set up Thunder properly and do a code sync the DB should be fine (obviously backup first).

Once you have the sync'd you site, production will re-intialize...

Posted by Community Admin on 19-Feb-2016 00:00

Hello Mansoor,

Typically you would want to have the latest set of project files, including the latest copy of the production database, when developing new functionality. This will ensure that changes will integrate easily once development is complete. 

In some cases you might need to perform database modifications locally and then re-upload the database to the live environment. In such cases you might consider to take the site temporary offline for maintenance purposes. This will ensure that you don't end up with a development database and a production database that differ in terms of content. However cases such as this are very rare.

In your specific scenario you will have copy over to the production environment:

  • Your newly developed custom widget files
  • Any non-embedded resources such as js or css
  • The binary files of your projects bin folder 
Please note, that changes to the bin folder of your project will cause ISS to recycle the application domain.

Please, make sure to backup your project files and database before performing any modification of your live site.

Nader Dabour
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Posted by Community Admin on 10-May-2017 00:00

I have a related question. I am hosted a site for an outside customer, that customer had some custom controls built. I added the files via the file manager and that works fine. Now, I see that SF has an export for deployment option in the admin side. Here are the questions:

I am ready to move the new files to production. If I use the EFD mentioned above, does that capture the new controls also? or do I need to move the deployment files also?

Next question, the documentation says that the export folder will be shown on the export page (and it does, it goes in the export directory) however, the rest of the documentation talks about a deployment folder, which exists no where as close as I can tell... so is the doc wrong? Do I just copy the export folder to the prod environment? Do I create a deployment directory on prod and dump the subordinate files in there? I am very very confused.

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