Client Cache settings have no affect and neither does cacheC

Posted by Community Admin on 05-Aug-2018 12:29

Client Cache settings have no affect and neither does cacheControlMaxAge in Web.Config

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Posted by Community Admin on 03-May-2016 00:00

I've looked at the following link to better understand Sitefinity's client cache settings and after creating my own client cache profile and setting it as the default under System > Output Cache Settings -- Default Client Cache Profile I noticed that it has zero impact on JS or CSS files.  

Next I found an article on Falafel about setting the cache control max age in the web.config. 

<clientCache cacheControlMode="UseMaxAge" cacheControlMaxAge="1.00:00:00" />

In theory this translates into a client cache setting of one day, or 24 hours, or 86400 seconds. Interestingly though, this setting is not applied to all files. The following lists a file along with the max-age in parenthesis: 

  • Styles.min.css (86400 - 24 hours)
  • Telerik.Web.UI.WebResources (31535796 - 364 days)
  • ResponsiveDesign/layout_transformations.css (Cache-control: public, no max-age)
  • App_Data/Sitefinity/WebsiteTemplates/[Template]/App_Themes/[Theme]/global/bootstrap-custom-grid.css?v=635960492829204356 (Cache-control: public, no max-age)

In fact, NONE of our custom CSS files in the Global folder of the theme have a max-age set, but looking at Firebug it does have an Expires value of roughly 2 weeks from today.  


So the question is: What's the point of the Client Cache settings in Sitefinity and why does the web.config file setting only apply to Sitefinity assets? 

Posted by Community Admin on 03-May-2016 00:00

It would seem that my first comment applies mostly to CSS files, whereas with JS files it seems to be different.  Looking at JS files I see the following: 

  • WebResource.axd (Cache-control: public, max-age: not-set, Expires 1 Year)
  • ScriptResource.axd (Cache-control: public, max-age: not-set, Expires 1 Year)
  • Telerik.Web.UI.WebResource.axd  (Cache-control: public, max-age: 31534795 , Expires 1 Year)
  • Bootstrap.min.js  (Cache-control: public, max-age: not-set, Expires 7 days)
  • Global.js [our own custom file] (Cache-control: public, max-age: 86400, Expires not-set)


All of our custom js files (those not coming from Sitefinity) share the same cache settings as the Global.js in the list above. 

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