Protecting pages in the hierarchy in page module

Posted by on 18-Sep-2018 12:40


I seem to have some issues with users accidentally moving pages in the page module. I would like to come up with a way to confirm the page move, or all together prevent users from dragging and dropping pages. 

The end game is I wish to prevent users from simply dragging and dropping pages in the page module, with either a) a confirmation message like "do you wish to move this page?" or just not permitting users from moving pages in this view. I'm OK with users moving pages, just need to confirm...

All Replies

Posted by ilchev on 21-Sep-2018 09:01

Hi Charles,

This sounds like perfect fit for our feedback portal ( at ).

I would like to encourage you to post a Feature request in such cases OR vote for your favorites there if they are already submitted.

It seems someone already posted that, I did a simple search and first one was it:

This way we can take it into considerations when we plan our backlog priority based on votes.

Note that forums are for seeking advice from community on solutions, partnering on a project, etc.

Bugs, Features and idea submissions will get buried here without much consequences. We have much better channels for those cases as explained above.

All the best,


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