Changing template title drops parent template
I have noticed curious behavior when changing the title of a template (in a tree of templates). When the name is changed, the list of templates shows no parent to the template. This persists upon refreshing page (list of templates), and even when the template is edited - it does not have any content (that was there before). The content can be resurrected by changing the base template and setting it back to the one it was before.
following templates:
Template main
template kid
temp template
template kid2
If one now renames "temp template" to "template subkid", that template will drop the "template kid" as it's base template. It will instead be marked as "Not based on other template" on the list of templates.
This was noticed using the 4.0.1098.0 version.
Hello Lasse,
Thank you for reporting us this issue. It is logged as a bug with ID 105332.
Thanks for the fast reply, Petya