SF 4.0 Injecting CSS

Posted by Community Admin on 04-Aug-2018 21:26

SF 4.0 Injecting CSS

All Replies

Posted by Community Admin on 12-Mar-2011 00:00

We just noticed that SF is injecting its CSS into our CSS files, see the sample below. How do we disable Sitefinity from touching our CSS? It's screwing up our site layout.

    font-size: 13px;
    margin-top: 15px;

.sf_pagerNumeric a:link, .sf_pagerNumeric a:visited, .sf_pagerNumeric a:hover, .sf_pagerNumeric a:active
    border: 1px solid #FFFFFF;
    color: #105CB6;
    padding: 1px 6px;

.sf_pagerNumeric a:hover
    border-color: #105CB6;

Posted by Community Admin on 14-Mar-2011 00:00

I don't think SF touches your CSS files but it might uses css that messes up your css.

you can always use

color:#FF0000 !important;

in your own css to override.

Give it a try


Posted by Community Admin on 14-Mar-2011 00:00

Actually what SF is doing is using a WebResource.axd to inject the CSS into the page at runtime. So technically it's not touching my CSS but I want to disable this, how dare SF interfere with my on-page markup.

Can anyone from Telerik suggest how this CSS injection be disabled?

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