Could not find the specified key "ManageProducts" or class id "ParmisEshopResources"
i create simple module in visual studio 'sitefinity intermediate template' and register in my sitefinity project
when get page in admin pannel for edit page
this error
Could not find the specified key "ManageProducts" or class id "ParmisEshopResources"
this erroe when displayed that my controls in costum module add to toolbox.
thanx for your help
Hello saed,
Are you trying to use some resource files from an assembly? It looks like you are missing reference to a resource file.
Ivan Dimitrov
the Telerik team
i just add my intermediate module refrence to sitefinity website.
Hi saed,
If this is the case, there from were you call "ParmisEshopResources" ?
Best wishes,
Ivan Dimitrov
the Telerik team