Error upgrade 4.1 SP1 -> SP3 (1339 -> 1574)
Hi, I have just attempted to upgrade to latest Service Pack, but my project is throwing a yellow screen with this exception:
Could not load file or assembly 'Telerik.Sitefinity.Utilities, Version=4.1.1574.0, ...
I cannot find this assembly, it does not come out when creating a new project with the 4.1.1574.0 Project Manager...
This assembly is referenced various times on the web.config.
All required assemblies by Sitefinity can be found in the folder bin located in _EmptyProject. Please consult the attached screenshot. The folder is created after you create a project using the Project Manager. You can create a test project and extract the bin folder from the EmptyProject folder.
Kind regards,
Victor Velev
the Telerik team