No row for Telerik.Sitefinity.Pages.Model.PageData

Posted by Community Admin on 04-Aug-2018 00:00

No row for Telerik.Sitefinity.Pages.Model.PageData

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Posted by Community Admin on 20-Dec-2011 00:00

('sf_page_data') GenericOID@6454976e PageData content_id=9268d3ee-723c-4476-a189-8476b6z07cf6

I created a new page template and created a page based off it.  I added content in the page on one of the layout controls I had on the page template but decided I didn't like the style of the layout and wanted a new control.  I deleted the layout control from the page template without deleting the content from the page and now I get this error when I go to Page Templates in administration.  I also get this error when I try to select a page template from a new page.

Posted by Community Admin on 21-Dec-2011 00:00

Hello Tony,

I suppoe the problem is with a leftover page draft. So the draft couldn`t find its master and it returned the error.
To fix at your end (please do a quick test at a backup project).
1.Crete .aspx page in solution
2. In the Page_LoadMethod paste this.

var pageManager = PageManager.GetManager();
            var draftPages = pageManager.GetDrafts<PageDraft>().Where(p => p.TemplateId == new Guid("A93A986C-B85B-4026-BCCF-20AB9C812E07") && p.IsTempDraft == false);
            var dummy = draftPages.FirstOrDefault();
            foreach (var draftPage in draftPages)
                var id = new Guid("1196ea8f-f80b-42eb-99c9-f54c0d7b7b0d");
                if (draftPage.Id != id)
An explanation : new Guid("A93A986C-B85B-4026-BCCF-20AB9C812E07")I took random template_id from page_data table
var id = new Guid("1196ea8f-f80b-42eb-99c9-f54c0d7b7b0d"); this is the guidID from the error thrown when getting the problem (in your screenshot the error is 986d....). It is the same as in your error so you can just run the code directly without changing it.

3. Runthe aspx page in the browser or in debug

Kind regards,
Stanislav Velikov
the Telerik team
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Posted by Community Admin on 21-Dec-2011 00:00

Hey thanks for the response.. I actually just upgraded to 4.4 and I guess it corrected everything.

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