SF rendering description as menu title

Posted by Community Admin on 04-Aug-2018 08:54

SF rendering description as menu title

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Posted by Community Admin on 30-Jan-2012 00:00

Is this supposed to be like this or have I made something strange.
I my menu the page description gets rendered as title tag.


Regards Markus

Posted by Community Admin on 30-Jan-2012 00:00

That's how it should be...I think that's probably desirable for most people, especially with large sites.  Sure it generates a bit more markup, but it's valid markup as it describes the links.

You should be able to kill with with jQuery though

//Set the titles to nothing
$(".RadMenu a").attr("title","");
//Just remove the titles
$(".RadMenu a").removeAttr("title");

Posted by Community Admin on 31-Jan-2012 00:00

Thank's for the feedback and for the solution to remove the title tags.

Was this like this on all 4.x versions or is this a new feature, behavior?


Posted by Community Admin on 29-May-2012 00:00

@Steve I tried using putting this code into my site and it doesn't do anything.

I tried putting in the template, the individual page, and in the content but the title attribute still shows it's ugly head. Do I need to link to an external .js file or put anything else in to get it to display without the title?

ps. I'm using Sitefinity 5.x

Posted by Community Admin on 29-May-2012 00:00

  I ended up solving the problem by using 


$(".rsmItem a").attr("title", "");

The problem was that Sitefinity was not updating the page late enough, the script would run but not update anything that loaded after the script ran. I hope that if someone else has a similar problem this helps them out as well.

Posted by Community Admin on 29-May-2012 00:00

  The only reason why it wouldn't work is that jQuery isn't loaded (or loaded yet)

Just to check also...It's inside <script type="text/javascript"></script> or you used the javascript drag\drop widget right?

Try this instead

//Set the titles to nothing
$telerik.$(".RadMenu a").attr("title","");
//Just remove the titles
$telerik.$(".RadMenu a").removeAttr("title");

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