Mobile Preview Problems
Not "Problems" as in fix this now...but usability issues
Since you're just doing an iframe resize on the mobile "preview", I'm unable to reload the browser to see any changes I make to my css\scripts while saying on the same preview device. It would be nice if you provided a reload button in the UI, OR allow me to somehow load the page defaulted to a preview item.
Also alerts (for testing) in scripts (in FF) cause my entire browser screen to black out and I need to reload FF.
**Note, same deal for previewing in landscape, always loads in portrait **
Also I'm not sure if this is a chrome issue or not (likely), so heads up anyway :)
...but all text-shadow elements are ignoring whatever color I'm giving, and it's rendering #FFF instead. Not visible in the dev tools though, that shows the proper colour.
Hi Steve,
Thanks for the useful review, please let me elaborate below on the topics.
Since you're just doing an iframe resize on the mobile "preview", I'm unable to reload the browser to see any changes I make to my css\scripts while saying on the same preview device. It would be nice if you provided a reload button in the UI, OR allow me to somehow load the page defaulted to a preview item.
That's a good suggestion, indeed, I'll make sure to start an internal discussion on it.
Also alerts (for testing) in scripts (in FF) cause my entire browser screen to black out and I need to reload FF.
We haven't been able to reproduce that behavior, but we'll be doing some more tests on it.
**Note, same deal for previewing in landscape, always loads in portrait **
We're currently working on finding out a way for simulating this on a desktop browser as there is no way to emulate the device property orientation currently.
all text-shadow elements are ignoring whatever color I'm giving, and it's rendering #FFF instead.
Are you using font replacement by any chance, as it might be a possible reason for the problems. On a side note Jordan (Angelov) had the exact same issue the other day, which I believe he suggested might be an issue with the Chrome browser.
All the best,
Boyan Barnev
the Telerik team
Yeah we're using a google font, but not for those particular elements...I think you might be right with it being a chrome bug
What I meant for the landscape was more that my "settings" are lost when I reload like how I lose the device I'm working with...know what I mean? Like if I was trying to configure styling on iPad in landscape, everytime I need to change something it's two clicks...once to re-make it landscape, another to choose iPad
Hello Steve,
Everything is placed in the configurations, so in Advanced Settings > ResponsiveDesign > PreviewDevices you are able to change the default devices, delete or add new.
I hope that this will solve the problem.
Hey Jordan,
Well, I mean no that doesn't really help much, I mean perhaps a workaround...but a pain.