Sorting bugs
Can we get a commitment to fix the drag\drop sorting for either a SP or 5.1? We're completely unable to order anything at all logically :)'s getting really annoying. You place the item where you want in the List and then when the save message comes up, the list I assume re-binds into a crazy different order.
I hate it as well
Drag a page group to the end and it reminds me of Forest Gump. Reordering is like a box of chocolate. You never know what you get :-)
And this is 5.0!!
So Steve you have my vote on this.
We have a bug logged and hopefully we will be able to provide a solution for the next releases. For your convenience you can track the issue status in PITS on this public URL.
All the best,
Hey Stefani,
That PITS issue doesn't seem to accuratly describe the issue? Did you paste in the wrong PITS url perhaps? That one has to do with dragging\dropping only group pages.
We're talking like NO drag\drop ordering in the backend right now working properly, not just group pages, but lists, taxa, etc...
Sorry for high-jacking your thread.
It always makes me sad when I read that you are hoping. This sounds every time like a captain hoping to land safely. The passengers can use hope. The captain should be certain :-)
So Stefani
You are saying that page order is not so important and we should wait until the summer when 5.1 will be released??
This is like buying a car and you would realize that when you put the gear in reverse you would actually drive forward.. Do you thing that the car manufacturer would then say to you that you should wait until new car comes out.
Hey there!!!!!! If Page order doesn’t work you should react in an instant and give us the fix!!!
Thank you for constructive feedback!
I have updated the bug report in PITS for Pages, how you can see in this URL. We have a bug logged for Categories, we are aware of this behavior and we are currently working on fixing it. As for Lists I do not see any problem. I have recorded a video and you can observe the Lists behavior on it. Apologies for the inconvenience again.
It's definably there in's a video
Wait till about the 1:48 marks, works until then...then goes all out of whack
Apologies for also jumping in on this thread...
Although you describe a problem with 'group pages' not sorting correctly, I've had issues with pages on 2nd level (send a demo video together with bug findings prior to release of v5.0.2500) which is still there.
(As said, I reported this behavior prior to launch and had a fixed deadline with regards to deliver a v5 website once the release date was confirmed. This little beauty alone costed me half a days work because I messed up adding pages in the right order and the re-ordering didn't work so had to start with a blank project again)
Hierarchical sorting goes correct on 1st level most of the time, but alphabetic (AZ or ZA) sorting is something the system doesn't understand. (video)
Hi guys,
After further investigation we came to the conclusion that this unacceptable behavior is related to the hierarchy of Pages, Lists and Taxonomies. Our developers team is working on the problem already. The issue has been escalated to the highest priority. The fix will be deployed with Service Pack 1. Excuse us again.
Kind regards,
Well that's a first! Looking forward to the SP.
@Steve and Jochem
Thank's for going the extra mile to make Telerik realise it needs to be adressed.
Hi All,
After an in-depth analysis of the problem we determined that fixing the issue will require more development time than the initially planned one. As we want to ensure that checking in this fix will not impose any regression potential on other related functionality, the change-set will undergo extensive testing. I apologize for misleading you with the initial promise of delivering the fix for the upcoming Service Pack, we will do our best to integrate this fix for the upcoming major release (Sitefinity 5.1) and ensure that it has passed all the internal testing and verification procedures to ensure that issues like the current one do not reoccur.
Thank you in advance for your kind understanding, and please excuse us for the inconvenience this problem has caused.
Stefani Tacheva
the Telerik team
Hey Stefani,
No apologies needed whatsoever, I think all of us agree it's better to wait till v5.1 instead of hurrying a fix for the SP and end up with a broken system (sorting may not work but the rest is functioning atm).
Perhaps when it's time for beta testing, give us a heads up which areas/parts need extra attention since we can't see on the outside what areas the fix 'might' affect...
Maybe you could provide us with a workaround?
How should I order my pages the right way?
I'm sure you understand I can't tell my customers they have to wait till June before they can properly display their websites.
Thanks in advance,
There's only two options I see
1) Edit in the DB, and for the love of god, dont let them ever do that
2) Create a custom controlon a temp backend page to allow reordering via the API
Both take up your time though...and I doubt the client would agree to pay for that time
Sorry to nag about this, but my client doesn't understand that something so fundamental isn't working in a $1999 system.
Of course they won't pay for these hours, but would appreciate any help, since they can't really do something about it them self.
Pretty frustrating stuff when you have to deliver a website in a day and have other things to do :)
Anyway. I'll check if I can come up with some manual ordering through the API, unless maybe some dev from SF would consider to create a widget for us to solve this issue temporarily. Would seem a reasonable thing to ask, right?
Reasonable sure, but likely is the Conf in London, not sure how many peeps are working
I know :)
I was thinking of that also. I'll try to create something and maybe share the code somewhere.
Well, I didn't have time to make a fix for this. Anyone else?
Naw, still borked...however since they're gutting the entire backend and replacing with Kendo it's likely to be fixed for then
I do know they have a rather extensive set of functional tests, so after this thread I'd hope they'd create a sorting test now too...
However if they move to kendo and this is RE-broken, someone needs a talking to :)
Did you managed to figure out how to do it inside the backend with multiple languages?
Anything new on this? It's quite annoying not being able to sort the pages and page groups how the should. I now have my pages sorted like they should in the front end, but the back end still shows 'random' sorting. Even worse, the sorting within the different used languages is inconsequently. Just not workable for clients. As said before, people may expect more from a 2000 dollar system.
This is really tough to accept that this isn't working... I'm trying to sort level 3 pages in the backend to be in a certain order and RANDOMness occurs.
Using 5.0.2800.
Subscribing in case there's an update to this issue.
I have not tried this, but does this work for you?
Thank you very much Steve for the link and the quick reply!
I'd actually already gone ahead and run a DB update, felt really dirty but it worked :(
ordinal = 0
id =
ordinal = 1
id =
ordinal = 2
id =
ordinal = 3
id =
ordinal = 4
id =
ordinal = 5
id =
...oh well this is awkward then :)
It seem to be a simple solution with the webform in the backend. Do you know if this would have to be done once or every view days/weeks when we moved around pages.
To me the page sorting problem exists mostly when I am on the least pages and drag to last position.
@beta testing
Absolutely 100% agree agree agree.
The problem has been fixed in our Sitefinity 5.2 SP1 version. For your convenience you can review our release notes.
Stefani Tacheva
the Telerik team