Project files need cleaned up
The project files in 5.0.2806 generated from the project manager need to be cleaned up to remove legacy stuff. In particular:
1. There is a reference to Telerik.OpenAccess.Adonet2 which is no longer needed, and causes compile warnings.
2. There are two .svc references in the project under Sitefinity\Services\Content, UserFileLibraryService.svc and UserFileService.svc which don't actually exist as files. This casues Web Deploy to freak out.
Just thought I'd point this out, as they both cause some nastiness when implementing Continuous Integration solutions.
+1 Glad to see I'm not the only one who trips over this from time to time!
Just to add to your issues, under the 'services' folder, the 'catalog' folder with ProductAttribute.svc and ProductAttributeValue.svc are also not included.
Hmm, I actually have those two in mine, in 5.0.2806... Which version are you running?
When I spotted and reported them it was on v5.0.2800. (5.0 SP1)
The hotfix (v5.0.2860) only fixed the ecommerce payment details issues, they haven't changed the project configuration since.
Both files are physically there, just not included in the project/solution (opposed to your two files who are still included but no longer exist). Since they aren't part of the solution, they won't get published.