Repeat all Language Versions if only one language is choosen message
Create a site
Go to languages
Add German for example
Make German default
Remove English
Create a page - Delete the page - Works correkt
Create a Page 1
Create a Page 2
Select the checkboxes in front of the Page 1 and Page 2
Click Delete
You will be prompted if you want to remove the German version only or all translations which is a bit confusing if you have only one language :-)
Hello Markus,
This is an expected behaviour. When frontend and backend languages differ, your site will be multilingual. You need to set the backend language to be the same as the frontend (German for example) for your site to be monolingual.
Regards,Dear Pavel
Short version: you got to be kidding
Long version:
This might be expected behavior from Teleriks developers. Sorry but this sounds like it is expected to get an error when you have VB Code in C#.
So what you tell me is for a enduser its clear that if he as a site with only ONE (1) front end language that when he deletes a single page he will just be asked if he wants to delete it but when he selects two pages (both the same single front end language) he will be prompt if he wants to delete all translations!!
Where in fact there are no other translations. No matter how much this behavior is expected by you guys for every front end user its confusing. Some what not consistent.
Here comes another car analogy.
You have a sports car with two (2) seats. Now you remove the driver seat and will be asked to you want to remove that seat.
You have a sports car with two (2) seats. Now you remove the driver and passenger side seat and will be asked if you want to remove the passenger seats in the back as well (even though they don't exist).
Sorry LOL.
You are right: I will just instruct my clients that if they don't want any confusing messages they should first switch the backend to the same language as the frontend. This would also have the benefit that the long standing annoyance that the backend language changes according to the frontent language of a page would not be happening any more.
PS: True multilingual means I can have different front end, backend, files, images but they do not interfere with each other. If I set my backend to english I want it english in all pages I edit not only in the english once and have french in french front-end language pages.
Hi Markus,
You have made some good points there, so i have logged this intro our system for fixing. You can follow the progress in our PITS as well as vote to increase its popularity. Your Telerik points have been modified accordingly.
Regards,Dear Pavel
In 5.3 if you select one page in a monolingual site it sais correct. Delete cancel
If you select multiple pages it still asks you if you want to delete current language or all languages. What is the clients suppost to think if he has one language only and is asked if he want's to delete all languages.
Anyone a Telerik cares about this?
Is there a PITS for this.
Still think it is strange for customers to be aske if they want to delete all language versions in a one language site.
Hello Markus,
Please find the PITS on the following URL. I will discuss this problem with our developers again.
Kind regards,
Stefani Tacheva
the Telerik team