Unable to add edit any thing.
Hello Team,
I am unable to add,edit or delete pages and images. I am getting following error:
"there was no endpoint listening at http://test.com/defaultworkflows/anymediacontentapprovalworkflow.xamlx that could accept the message.this is often caused by an incorrect address or soap action. see innerexception, if present, for more details."
Project wokrks perfect in local machine and i am able to do everything but on server i am facing issue with live site. I have https with my url. Site works fine but on admin side i am unable to add,edit or delete pages and images. I am using standard edition and sitefinity version of site is 5.0.2800.0
Please help asap.
Isn't there any one to help ?
The problem that you have encountered might be coming from your network / IIS setup or the fact that you have not set the WorkflowBaseUrl property as it should be after deploying the project. A similar issue has been discussed in the following thread:
Victor Velev
the Telerik team