Error 404 pages

Posted by Community Admin on 04-Aug-2018 12:35

Error 404 pages

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Posted by Community Admin on 16-Oct-2013 00:00

I'm using IIS6 and have sitefinity 6.1 site on it.
When some user write fake path in url like /dsafsdafsdasdffsd , the iis throws iis exception Failed to Execute URL.
So I wrote  function in global.asax that catches that error and redirects them to error page:

void Application_Error(object sender, EventArgs e)

That works for fake page like /dsafsdafsdasdffsd , but page /en/dfsdfdsddfasds show blank page with no content(not even html tags).
I know upper exception is iis issue, but I think /en/dfsdfdsddfasds page is sitefnity issue. Is there any solution?

Posted by Community Admin on 21-Oct-2013 00:00


You need to add the following settings in your web.config file:

      <customErrors mode="On" defaultRedirect="/error-pages/default-error">
          <error statusCode="404" redirect="/en/page404.html" />

      <httpErrors errorMode="Custom" defaultResponseMode="File" existingResponse="Replace">
           <remove statusCode="404" subStatusCode="-1" />
           <error statusCode="404" path="/en/page404.html" responseMode="ExecuteURL" />

If a user enter an invalid address, he/she will be redirected to the page that you have point above.

Let me know whether the proposed solution helps.

Svetoslav Manchev
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