Custom inbound pipe doesn't work

Posted by Community Admin on 04-Aug-2018 20:19

Custom inbound pipe doesn't work

All Replies

Posted by Community Admin on 14-Jan-2014 00:00

Hi, I am trying to delimit my search by their parent and child pages.  This used to be in 3.7 but it's gone in the new versions. Currently i am on 6.1 , 6.2 
for example this is my tree:

About-us(group page)
             All News
Staff (Group Page)

I want to be somewhere in the About section, and if i want to search something inside the about section i want to show up. However if i want to search something outside of my group page i don't want any results. 

I tried a few different methods of doing this based on other people's posts. However i have had no luck.  If there something wrong with my Code? 

Custom inbound pipe:

public class Search_Delimiter_Test : PageInboundPipe
public override void PushData(IList<Telerik.Sitefinity.Publishing.PublishingSystemEventInfo> items)
            List<Telerik.Sitefinity.Publishing.PublishingSystemEventInfo> myItems = new List<Telerik.Sitefinity.Publishing.PublishingSystemEventInfo>();
            foreach (var item in items)
                PageNode node = null;
                if (item.Item is WrapperObject && ((WrapperObject)item.Item).WrappedObject != null)
                    node = (PageNode)((WrapperObject)item.Item).WrappedObject;
                    node = ((PageNode)item.Item);
                if (node.Page != null && node.Page.Status == Telerik.Sitefinity.GenericContent.Model.ContentLifecycleStatus.Live)
                    while (true)
                        node = node.Parent;
                        if (node.Title.Equals("about" ,StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase))
                            //this will index only one page node with its children, don`t add items here for the pages that shouldn`t be indexed
                        if (node.Parent == null)

and here is my Global. Asax 

protected void Application_Start(object sender, EventArgs e)
           Telerik.Sitefinity.Abstractions.Bootstrapper.Initialized -= new EventHandler<Telerik.Sitefinity.Data.ExecutedEventArgs>(Bootstrapper_Initialized);
           Telerik.Sitefinity.Abstractions.Bootstrapper.Initialized += new EventHandler<Telerik.Sitefinity.Data.ExecutedEventArgs>(Bootstrapper_Initialized);
       void Bootstrapper_Initialized(object sender, Telerik.Sitefinity.Data.ExecutedEventArgs e)
           if (e.CommandName == "Bootstrapped")
       private void RegisterProductPipes()
           //unregister default pipe
           Telerik.Sitefinity.Publishing.PublishingSystemFactory.UnregisterPipe(Telerik.Sitefinity.Publishing.Pipes.PageInboundPipe.PipeName); // unregister default pipe.
           //register pipes
           Telerik.Sitefinity.Publishing.PublishingSystemFactory.RegisterPipe(SitefinityWebApp.Search_Delimiter_Test.PipeName, typeof(SitefinityWebApp.Search_Delimiter_Test));
           var pipeSettings1 = Telerik.Sitefinity.Publishing.PublishingSystemFactory.GetPipeSettings(SitefinityWebApp.Search_Delimiter_Test.PipeName);
           Telerik.Sitefinity.Publishing.PublishingSystemFactory.RegisterTemplatePipe("SearchItemTemplate", pipeSettings1);
           //create and register mapping
           List<Telerik.Sitefinity.Publishing.Model.Mapping> mappingsList = new System.Collections.Generic.List<Telerik.Sitefinity.Publishing.Model.Mapping>();
           var contentMapping = new Telerik.Sitefinity.Publishing.Model.Mapping() DestinationPropertyName = "Content", IsRequired = true, SourcePropertyNames = new[] "Title" ;
           var linkMapping = new Telerik.Sitefinity.Publishing.Model.Mapping() DestinationPropertyName = "Link", IsRequired = true, SourcePropertyNames = new[]  "Link" ;
           linkMapping.Translations.Add(new Telerik.Sitefinity.Publishing.Model.PipeMappingTranslation() TranslatorName = Telerik.Sitefinity.Publishing.Translators.UrlShortenerTranslator.TranslatorName );
           Telerik.Sitefinity.Publishing.PublishingSystemFactory.RegisterPipeMappings(SitefinityWebApp.Search_Delimiter_Test.PipeName, true, mappingsList);
        // end registerProductPipes

Posted by Community Admin on 16-Jan-2014 00:00


What exactly is the issue that you are experiencing?

I have tried your code and it seems to do exactly what you have described. All text from pages under About is found and text from under Staff cannot be found.

Boyko Karadzhov

Do you want to have your say in the Sitefinity development roadmap? Do you want to know when a feature you requested is added or when a bug fixed? Explore the Telerik Public Issue Tracking system and vote to affect the priority of the items

Posted by Community Admin on 16-Jan-2014 00:00

really? When i test it it is finding everything from the whole site.  Other than these 2 files is there something i am missing to make it function on my machine?

Posted by Community Admin on 16-Jan-2014 00:00

Hi Daniel,

I have created a new search index with scope "Static HTML from pages" and using it the search yielded the expected results using just the code you posted below.

It is possible your scope is set to browse all the content and by doing this it won't know that some content is not for the "About" section.

Boyko Karadzhov

Do you want to have your say in the Sitefinity development roadmap? Do you want to know when a feature you requested is added or when a bug fixed? Explore the Telerik Public Issue Tracking system and vote to affect the priority of the items

Posted by Community Admin on 16-Jan-2014 00:00

It's still not working, I double checked every site is using the same search index, and yes, it is set to "static html". When i go into the about section i can search whatever, and it will throw results from all over the site.  

is there a checkbox i could have had missed? or another program i failed to write or edit, or even a config file or something?  

could it be my node? What am i supposed to put into node.Title would that be the page/grouppage name that is listed in the pages screen?

Posted by Community Admin on 17-Jan-2014 00:00


Go to "~/App_Data/Sitefinity/Search" and delete all files in there. After that reindex the site.

If this doesn't help try to comment out everything inside PushData of your custom pipe and see if anything can be searched. If you can still search everywhere in the site then we know that the pipe is not used at all.

Boyko Karadzhov

Do you want to have your say in the Sitefinity development roadmap? Do you want to know when a feature you requested is added or when a bug fixed? Explore the Telerik Public Issue Tracking system and vote to affect the priority of the items

Posted by Community Admin on 17-Jan-2014 00:00

so i deleted everything from the search folder, and then i reindexed, and the search still returned everything. 
I commented out everything inside the pushdata method, so it's completely empty.  I reindexed again. and did a search. 
And again it returned everything. 

Could is possibly be because of migration? 
I am taking over for an employee who was working on migration assignment before, and she moved from 3.7 to 6.2 could my global asax file be different than what it is supposed to be on 6.2?  This is my Global asax file in completion. 

01.<%@ Application Language="C#" %>
03.<script runat="server">
05.    public class Global : System.Web.HttpApplication
08.        public override string GetVaryByCustomString(HttpContext context, string custom)
10.            if (custom.Equals("cms"))
12.                return String.Concat(context.Request.Url.Host, context.Request.RawUrl, context.Request.Browser.Type).ToLower();
14.            return base.GetVaryByCustomString(context, custom);
17.        protected void Application_Start(object sender, EventArgs e)
19.             Telerik.Sitefinity.Abstractions.Bootstrapper.Initialized -= new EventHandler<Telerik.Sitefinity.Data.ExecutedEventArgs>(Bootstrapper_Initialized);
20.            Telerik.Sitefinity.Abstractions.Bootstrapper.Initialized += new EventHandler<Telerik.Sitefinity.Data.ExecutedEventArgs>(Bootstrapper_Initialized);
23.        void Bootstrapper_Initialized(object sender, Telerik.Sitefinity.Data.ExecutedEventArgs e)
25.            if (e.CommandName == "Bootstrapped")
27.                this.RegisterProductPipes();
32.        private void RegisterProductPipes()
34.            //unregister default pipe
35.           Telerik.Sitefinity.Publishing.PublishingSystemFactory.UnregisterPipe(Telerik.Sitefinity.Publishing.Pipes.PageInboundPipe.PipeName);
37.           //register pipes
38.           Telerik.Sitefinity.Publishing.PublishingSystemFactory.RegisterPipe(SitefinityWebApp.Search_Delimiter_Test.PipeName, typeof(SitefinityWebApp.Search_Delimiter_Test));
39.           var pipeSettings1 = Telerik.Sitefinity.Publishing.PublishingSystemFactory.GetPipeSettings(SitefinityWebApp.Search_Delimiter_Test.PipeName);
40.           Telerik.Sitefinity.Publishing.PublishingSystemFactory.RegisterTemplatePipe("SearchItemTemplate", pipeSettings1);
42.           //create and register mapping
43.           List<Telerik.Sitefinity.Publishing.Model.Mapping> mappingsList = new System.Collections.Generic.List<Telerik.Sitefinity.Publishing.Model.Mapping>();
44.           var contentMapping = new Telerik.Sitefinity.Publishing.Model.Mapping() DestinationPropertyName = "Content", IsRequired = true, SourcePropertyNames = new[] "Title" ;
45.           mappingsList.Add(contentMapping);
46.           var linkMapping = new Telerik.Sitefinity.Publishing.Model.Mapping() DestinationPropertyName = "Link", IsRequired = true, SourcePropertyNames = new[]  "Link" ;
47.           linkMapping.Translations.Add(new Telerik.Sitefinity.Publishing.Model.PipeMappingTranslation() TranslatorName = Telerik.Sitefinity.Publishing.Translators.UrlShortenerTranslator.TranslatorName );
48.           mappingsList.Add(linkMapping);
49.           Telerik.Sitefinity.Publishing.PublishingSystemFactory.RegisterPipeMappings(SitefinityWebApp.Search_Delimiter_Test.PipeName, true, mappingsList);
51.         // end registerProductPipes
53.        void Application_End(object sender, EventArgs e)
55.            //  Code that runs on application shutdown
59.        void Application_Error(object sender, EventArgs e)
61.            // DONE IN WEB.CONFIG
62.            //Exception ex = Server.GetLastError();
63.            //if (ex is HttpException)
64.            //
65.            //    HttpException httpEx = ex as HttpException;
66.            //    if (httpEx.ErrorCode == 403 || httpEx.Source.StartsWith("Telerik.Cms"))
67.            //   
68.            //        Response.Redirect("~/Sitefinity/nopermissions.aspx");
69.            //        Server.ClearError();
70.            //   
71.            //
72.            //else if (ex is Telerik.Security.SecurityApplicationException)
73.            //
74.            //    Response.Redirect("~/Sitefinity/nopermissions.aspx");
75.            //    Server.ClearError();
76.            //
79.        void Session_Start(object sender, EventArgs e)
81.            // Code that runs when a new session is started
85.        void Session_End(object sender, EventArgs e)
87.            // Code that runs when a session ends.
88.            // Note: The Session_End event is raised only when the sessionstate mode
89.            // is set to InProc in the Web.config file. If session mode is set to StateServer
90.            // or SQLServer, the event is not raised.

Posted by Community Admin on 17-Jan-2014 00:00

Hello Daniel,

I don't see anything wrong in the Global.asax. Would you please open a support ticket with a link to this forum thread? It will be easier to debug this way.

Boyko Karadzhov

Do you want to have your say in the Sitefinity development roadmap? Do you want to know when a feature you requested is added or when a bug fixed? Explore the Telerik Public Issue Tracking system and vote to affect the priority of the items

Posted by Community Admin on 17-Jan-2014 00:00

ok, I have submitted a support ticket.  Awaiting a reply now 

Posted by Community Admin on 20-Jan-2014 00:00


I answered your question in the support ticket - lets continue the discussion there.


Do you want to have your say in the Sitefinity development roadmap? Do you want to know when a feature you requested is added or when a bug fixed? Explore the Telerik Public Issue Tracking system and vote to affect the priority of the items

This thread is closed