Published (Not Previewed) Project Feather Page Error

Posted by Community Admin on 04-Aug-2018 21:08

Published (Not Previewed) Project Feather Page Error

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Posted by Community Admin on 19-Jan-2015 00:00

I can create a page with any of the Feather templates and preview it and it works fine.  Once I publish it, the page itself throws an exception:


Telerik.Sitefinity.UI.MVC.SitefinityExtensions.InlineEditingManager(HtmlHelper htmlHelper, Nullable`1 loadExternalScripts) +99
   ASP._Page_Frontend_Assembly_Telerik_Sitefinity_Frontend_Mvc_Views_Layouts_default_cshtml_Bootstrap_cshtml.Execute() in c:\Windows\Microsoft.NET\Framework64\v4.0.30319\Temporary ASP.NET Files\memberportal\b7b6caa5\4d415ca7\App_Web_default.cshtml#bootstrap.cshtml.39f49bee.xzug_ihx.0.cs:0
   System.Web.WebPages.WebPageBase.ExecutePageHierarchy() +279
   System.Web.Mvc.WebViewPage.ExecutePageHierarchy() +124


I can recreate this error with each Feather template type without any specific widgets in place.  What could be possibly be causing this?  I've replaced the entire ResourcePackages folder with a fresh instance without any luck.  I created a new site and it worked fine, so it seems that something is causing this is in my current solution.  Can't find anything terribly related, given there only a handful of enhancements currently.


Posted by Community Admin on 20-Jan-2015 00:00

I am able to recreate this issue.  It only happens on pages where the permissions are set to only allow Authenticated users through the normal page permission flow. To me this indicates that the Feather templated pages aren't built to honor the page permissions set within the system.

 I created a new MVC-only template and successfully published an Auth'd-only page without error, so it's limited to the pages that utilize Feather.

I am able to work around the problem by doing the following:

1. Create the Bootstrap templated page.

2.  Add controls and publish.

3.  View and receive error.

4.  Break inheritance and set to Everyone.

5.  View and no error.

6.  Change back to inherit from parent (Auth'd only).

7.  View and no error (with proper auth redirection working when tested).


 Seems like a bug to me.



Posted by Community Admin on 24-Jan-2015 00:00

The way to address this short term is to remove the Inline Editing Manager entirely [delete @Html.InlineEditingManager(false)].  This is good anyhow because the manager doesn't disappear for users who aren't Admins anyhow, which is another problem that might be related.

Posted by Community Admin on 24-Jan-2015 00:00

Hi Christian,

Thank you for the shared solution with the community.

The issue is logged in the feedback issues portal of Feather, where could be followed its status.

Svetoslav Manchev

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