Issue with Libraries Module

Posted by Community Admin on 04-Aug-2018 18:49

Issue with Libraries Module

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Posted by Community Admin on 26-Mar-2015 00:00

I have a SiteFinity site that was recently upgraded to version 7.3. 

 When a user clicks on a document library on the backend the application throws an Object Not Set to an Instance of an object exception. 


I noticed that the backend is trying to navigate to ../LibraryDocument but I believe that the libraries reside in the ../Libraries app_name in the database. If you manually type "Libaries" into the url in the place of "LibaryDocuments" the libraries and the documents in those libraries are viewable. 


How can resolve the libraries to be under the correct page node?



Posted by Community Admin on 31-Mar-2015 00:00

Hello Zachary,

You can try to re-upgrade the libraries module by setting in the SystemConfig.config the Libraries row like 

<add name="Libraries" />
under  ~/App_Data/Sitefinity/Configuration

and than restart the application.

In case this do not solve the issue I would recommend you to open support ticket in order to inspect the project more detailed.

Svetoslav Manchev
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