SF7->SF8: forms e-mail notification does not work any more
after the migration from SF 7.3 to SF 8 we have just noticed, that the forms do not send e-mail notifications any more. There is nothing in the log files, as of SF as of the SMTP server. The SMTP configuration is trivial - localhost:25, no authentication, no SSL/TLS. According to the SMTP server log files, nothing even tries to connect the SMPT server. No errors / warnings / infos in the SF log files.
Have you any idea, what can it be? Our version of SF is 8.0.57.
P.S. It is interesting, that the version 7.3 is displayed in the back-ends left bottom corner. Administration -> Version & Licensing shows 8.0.5701.0.
Best regards
Hi Yaroslav,
Would you please check also the Notification settings as described in that article:
Regarding the version on the bottom left corner - this is a Label message that you can easily change by going to:
Administration > Labels & Messages and search for "Sitefinity 7". Than click on that label, change it to "Sitefinity 8.0", Save the changes and restart the application if needed.
I hope the information helps.
Svetoslav Manchev
Thank you, Svetoslav!
The checkbox Administration » Settings » Advanced , Forms » Notifications: Enabbled
was not checked. Checking it solved the problem. I wonder, if this setting is new for SF8.
The tip with Administration > Labels & Messages has also worked! Thank you!!
Best regards