Getting status 502 while posting to WCF Svc

Posted by sfdev on 29-Aug-2019 13:38


I've implemented a WCF service that allow user to post data and send an email to another user. This works fine in my development which is making an AJAX Post to:


However, in my staging which has a load balancer implemented on it. I'm getting status 502. It also required me to post to (secured) https://domain/servicename. At first, I suspect the https was dropped in the load balancer.

In my case, I have to embed my svc in a dll. So, I am setting the configuration programmatically in MyServiceName.cs as embedded svc couldn't get settings from app.config. Yet, no luck.

public static void Configure(ServiceConfiguration config)
       config.AddServiceEndpoint(typeof(IServiceName), new BasicHttpsBinding(), "domain/service");


An important point is that many of the built in sitefinity controls are using WCF svc to grab data and they are working just fine on my staging! So, I suspect there are other reasons for getting 502 while posting to my svc. Any idea?


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