Custom MVC Document Selector initial dialog

Posted by sfdev on 13-Jun-2019 01:29


I am using Sitefinity v10.2 and needed a Custom MVC Document Selector. Currently, I am using the code provided at:

However, the custom widget is showing the "Change document" dialog when it has no document bound to it initially.

Yet, the built-in document selector is showing the correct dialog when it has no document bound to it initially.

I have tried adding the sf-auto-open-selector to the sf-media-field tag in DesignerView.Simple.cshtml, but no luck. Any advice?


<div class="form-group">
<label for="document-field" class="m-top-sm">Document</label>
<sf-media-field class="sf-Media--info modal-settings modal-settings-space"



All Replies

Posted by jread on 13-Jun-2019 15:07

Do you have the sf-document-selector in your DesignerView.Simple.json?  

Should like something like below:

	"priority": 1,
	"components": ["sf-document-selector"]

This json file lets Sitefinity know you want to load the Simple view as the default designer and also loads the components needs for the selector.

Posted by sfdev on 15-Jun-2019 14:47

Thanks jread! I was able to get the correct initial dialog after adding "sf-document-selector" to DesignerView.Simple.json.

However, when I close the initial dialog without selecting any document, I still see the "change document" dialog. The built-in document link does not seem to have this behaviour. Any clue?

Posted by jread on 17-Jun-2019 14:16

Not 100% on why that would be happening.  Does you set any default values for the properties in the controller? it's possible it thinks you have a selected item when you don't actually do?

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