Printable replica of webpage

Posted by afaugno on 31-May-2019 18:05

In Sitefinity, how should a page be built so that all images/text/assets within a webpage are shown (and printable) on a print preview (and print) exactly as they are shown on the webpage. We are hoping to be able to print pages as needed (with all assets intact), but as of now the assets are broken up and the printed page does not contain all of the assets of the webpage. This worked before we moved our pages to Sitefinity. 

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Posted by peleva on 05-Jun-2019 09:19

Hi afaugno,

Your website, built on Sitefinity should behave the same way as a stand alone html website. I wasn't able to reproduce the issues you've mentioned - all my images and assets were loaded property in print from my package folder. Please keep in mind that some css properties behave differently on print media (for example positioning) and might need adjustment with media queries, but this is css specific and isn't related to Sitefinity.

Some more information about the way you're loading your assets would be helpful - are your images in the package folder or are they uploaded in a Sitefinity library? What type of assets and text are you referring to, where do they come from? You could also contact our support team and send them your project or a sample project where you're able to reproduce the problem. This would help us get a better idea of the issues you're facing.

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