Remember sort order on custom content type lists

Posted by markmazelin on 23-Apr-2019 16:40

Is there any way for Sitefinity to remember the sort order I set on custom content type backend list view? It's annoying to have to change it every time I go back to the list view.

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Posted by Junior Dominguez on 23-Apr-2019 17:10


You can define the sorting directly in the definitions of the module. E.g: for a Dynamic Module named "Cats" go to Advanced Settings->DynamicModules->Controls->[<the module>]->Views->[<the module>]BackendList -> Sort Expression. 

Here type the custom expression, e.g: Race ASC 

Next time the system is restarted or the backend list view is loaded the custom sorting expression will run.  However it will not show up as "Custom sorting" in the dropdownlist control in the upper right side of the screen.




Posted by markmazelin on 24-Apr-2019 14:52

This doesn't seem to work in the new interface. In fact, I just confirmed that it does work in the old interface. Any way to make similar updates to the listings in the new interface? I'm running 11.2.6900.

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