Subscribe to EmailSender events

Posted by markmazelin on 23-Apr-2019 15:08

How do I subscribe to the events raised in Telerik.Sitefinity.Web.Mail.EmailSender? I want to see what the Error event handler is returning. Emails aren't getting sent via the Sitefinity SMTP settings and I'm trying to debug the issue by sending an email using the SmtpSettings. All I get back is "Failure sending mail" and a short stack trace from the Exception being thrown during send:

at System.Net.Mail.SmtpClient.Send(MailMessage message)
at Telerik.Sitefinity.Web.Mail.StandardDotNetEmailSender.Send(MailMessage message)

Alternatively, is there a better way to diagnose SMTP send issues?

All Replies

Posted by jread on 23-Apr-2019 18:42

Have you looked in ~/App_Data/Sitefinity/Logs/Error.log or Trace.log?  You can try using SMTP4Dev to see if it is a Sitefinity issue or SMTP issue. .  Also what version of Sitefinity are you on?

Posted by markmazelin on 24-Apr-2019 14:26

I see nothing in the error or trace logs related to sending emails. I didn't try a local SMTP server yet. I am running 11.2.6900.

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