We are working with sitefinty project and we have created our first demo project but we are Unable to open the project in Edit mode. i.e. We are not getting Admin panel, Forms, Page etc...
dose any user has face the same issue and could it be possible to share the solution for it
waiting for the reply, as we are new to stiefinity
While setting up your Sitefinity project you should have created and admin user. To access the admin of sitefinity you will you http://{yoursite}/Sitefinity.
Hi Jread,
Thanks for your reply.
I don't know if there is any one have created Admin user or not because I am completely new in project. could you please suggest me how do I that.
You will have to provide us with some more details. Is this a local install project? Did you use the project manager to install? Did you use the trial installer? Nuget install? You can check if you have users in the project by looking at the sf_users table.