I'm a relatively new developer to Sitefinity (and if I'm being honest, still a little new to MVC and Razor methodologies). In our own Resource Package, I have created a custom .cshtml page to be to be used as our base page template. Inside of the <head> tag, I have added some custom <link> and <meta> tags that aren't writing out when I'm viewing pages based on the template. I'd appreciate it if anyone can tell me why and provide a solution, or suggest a better alternative to writing out custom head content that we want to reside on each and every page. I know that content to be placed in the head can be done at the page level inside of Sitefinity from the page properties, but I don't know of how to do this from within Sitefinity at the website level.
I know the pages are using the template, as I can alter other parts of the template and when I refresh the page, my changes are reflected. The only pieces in the head tag that I've added that seem to write out as expected are the calls to two .css files. Example:
@Html.StyleSheet(Url.WidgetContent("~/ResourcePackages/Custom_Design/assets/dist/css/master.css"), "head", true)
Everything else seems to be ignored.
Appreciate any help you can provide to me.