E-Commerce module: backend screens

Posted by Community Admin on 05-Aug-2018 21:26

E-Commerce module: backend screens

All Replies

Posted by Community Admin on 14-Oct-2011 00:00

Hi all,

I'd like to see these changes to the E-Commerce screens in the backend (if not already noticed)

Product types

- Actions menu for multiple selected items: Delete

- Actions menu for multiple selected items: Delete, Publish/Unpublish on selected date, Publish, Unpublish
- Search filter(s) with custom filter option
- Ability to choose which fields you see in the backend grid and to be able to sort on these colomns


Posted by Community Admin on 18-Oct-2011 00:00

Hi Daniel,

Thank you very much for your feedback.
Please find my comments (marked in green) below:

Product types

- Actions menu for multiple selected items: Delete
Adding such option is in our plans. This will become available in some of the next major releases.

- Actions menu for multiple selected items: Delete, Publish/Unpublish on selected date, Publish. Unpublish
In the Actions menu for single and multiple items Active and Inactive links will be added instead of Pubilsh and Unpublish. This was decided by our UX team because when it comes to product Active/inactive are more relevant terms.
As for the Scheduling
feature this is not in the plans but I will forward your idea to the UX team for future discussions.

- Search filter(s) with custom filter option
Very useful feature, it will be forwarded to the Ecommerce development team for internal discussion on how and when to be implemented.

- Ability to choose which fields you see in the backend grid and to be able to sort on these colomns
Currently, all the grids used in Sitefinity backend are not customizable. This means that such feature should be added not only for the Ecommerce module backend but for all other grids we have. As our next  release approaches and all the features and fixes are planned we will not be able to include such major change in the plans.
The sorting of columns is already in the plans, however this feature is also not included in the upcoming release.

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Kind regards,
the Telerik team

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Posted by Community Admin on 27-Jul-2012 00:00

I'd just like to 2nd ALL of the feature requests mentioned above - most notably multiple Product actions, editable backend grids for ALL content items and ability to sort all backend grids on any column displayed.

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