Assembly Project Support

Posted by Community Admin on 05-Aug-2018 19:51

Assembly Project Support

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Posted by Community Admin on 17-Jul-2012 00:00

When will we get full support for adding things to Assembly projects? 

For me:
1) Tries to update the wrong virtual provider, and here we don't even use external config files, so don't assume and update that for me
2) Creates layout path instead of layoutname, and has the VP prefixed on it

Posted by Community Admin on 18-Jul-2012 00:00


 I don't quite understand the question. I suppose you have two sitefinity web applications in the solution but Thunder do not support that. Your solution must have only one sitefinity web application in it. Can you describe in detail what is happening and what's the problem?

All the best,
Ivan Georgiev | Sitefin1ty
the Telerik team
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Posted by Community Admin on 18-Jul-2012 00:00

I suppose you have two sitefinity web applications in the solution but Thunder do not support that
Bingo, when will it :) ...

Your solution must have only one sitefinity web application in it
I don't see why it's not abnormal to have multiple sites in the same VS solution linked to a common controls library.

Those aren't the issue though...the issue is that thunder always assumes (incorrectly) three things
1) You are adding things to a SitefinityWebApp project
2) You only have one of those
3) You have external config entries

So in response to those:
1) Here we put everything in a class library project to keep all the components external to the sitefinity project.  So when thunder adds the bits in it's adding a virtual path to the "layoutTemplatePath" and then assigning that variable to LayoutTemplatePath.  However since I've added this to a library project neither of those are valid.  It should instead not put a VP on the front, and add it to the LayoutTemplateName public property.  It does this for both the control and the designer classes.
2) See top of post
3) We're an ent project, we don't have physical config files to change, everything is persisted to the database to keep everyone in sync.  Works well normally, but thunder is just confused as all heck by it.  It should be able to read my connection string from the data.config to get to the DB to change stuff.  Moreover though, it tries to go ahead and change config files without ASKING, and if the config is checked in via TFS it thunder errors out.

Posted by Community Admin on 25-Jul-2012 00:00


 Currently Thunder don't support more then one sitefinity web application in the solution because this is not а common scenario. We have it in mind. As for the other issues you have, right now Thunder only works if there are config files in \App_Data\Sitefinity\Configuration folder. Currently if those files are readonly you will get an error. We are aware of this problem. Everything that Thunder is doing "without ASKING" is by design. The idea is to do all the things for you without bothering, but if you have a custom flow of development this won't work. Тhank you for the feedback. We will consider all the comments on this.


Ivan Georgiev | Sitefin1ty
the Telerik team
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Posted by Community Admin on 25-Jul-2012 00:00

Well it doesn't have to ASK, but it can't ASSUME anything...especially like now when it's wrong.  That's not a very useful tool unless you're only using it for a stock unmodified site.  But in the current iteration it's not even smart about what it's doing. 

  I know that I can't add in a control or designer to my assembly with thunder and have it work out of the box w\out modifications...would another less knowledgeable user have any idea that they'd need to remove the virtual path and change layoutpath to layoutname?

  Even if there was a settings page where I could set the options per site that would work great too.  So instead of thunder having to check for things I could just tell it to do X or Y like  "Hey thunder, my config is in the DB (checkbox)"..."and here's the connection string" (input)


Posted by Community Admin on 30-Jul-2012 00:00


 Like I said right now thunder don't support such a custom project infrastructure. We have these thing in our checklist. I can't tell you exactly when but be sure that we will support this!

All the best,
Ivan Georgiev | Sitefin1ty
the Telerik team
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