Add Custom Property Fields to Thunder's create widget designer?
I'm trying to use Thunder to create the designer for my custom widget. In my widget I'd like to have a user editable variable that takes a string. I want users to be able to enter their string via the simple designer when adding my widget to their page.
Problem is, Thunder doesn't give me the option to add my variable as a Field in the Create a widget designer wizard. The only freilds I have listed are those default simple view fields (ClientIdMode, Eneable Themeing, etc...).
In my widget's .cs file I have a variable declared that has no value, which I intend to use as the variable to store the users entered data.
Is it possible to have Thunder detect or somehow know which variables are to be used as property fields for the designer?
If I'm unclear about anything in my question. Just ask and I'll attempt to clarify.
Hello Chris,
Sitefinity Thunder can detect custom properties but you should make sure that:
1. You have added a public property. Thunder cannot see field variables or non-public properties.
2. You have built your project after the last changes which you have made to the widget. Thunder looks for the widgets and their properties from the project's assembly.
If you cannot find your widget in the listed widgets while making the designer, please make sure that the widget does not have the ControlDesigner attribute and then build your project. Thunder filters out the widgets which have designers.
Please let me know if you continue to reproduce this issue.
Marin Atanasov
the Telerik team