String was not recognized as a valid Boolean.
Hi, I'm getting the strangest error when trying to upload a theme via Thunder. Error sais "String was not recognized as a valid Boolean.", "Unable to upload theme ....".
Have restarted local machine and server, but no luck. Download is OK, and uploading has worked fine a long time until it suddenly stopped working.
Thought I found it... Do not know how, but the Global folder had been deleted both locally and on server. Thank God for backups :-)
But restoring the backup did not help... Still getting the incredible cryptic error message.
Hello OC,
This issue has been reported to us once. The reason for the problem was that the Thunder config file was with some invalid configurations. The problem was resolved after deleting the config file. Please check what is recorded in the Thunder.config and paste it here.
Regards,@OC did you figure this out? I get this error sporatically, it'll work for a few saves, then it wont.
The problem is that there's nothing in your face saying the save's a tiny message in the output window. So you think your template saved, but NOPE
Hi Steve,
I'm sorry, I just can't remember how I solved the issue, but it has not bothered me since.
I believe I re-created the Thunder theme entirely by copy paste into a new theme, but not sure I remember correctly.